"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." ~ 2 Timothy 1:7


9th February, 2011 

"Defining myself - I am like a language.  I have rules on how to live my life, but there are as many exceptions as there are rules; it's hard to define what those rules actually are.  They depend on the circumstances I'm in, what has happened before and what I'm thinking of doing next.  But like how English words will always have at least one of its five vowels in a word, so will I always have my faith, friends, family, food and fun.  

Fitness is a maybe.  Because y is a maybe vowel." 
11th February, 2011

"Friendship - it isn't just having fun together but being there for each other when someone needs help or support.  Being there to tell that they're doing something wrong, correcting their mistakes in love.  You weather the storms together, and you sit on the deck and enjoy the sunshine together."
16th February, 2011

"Everyone should make mistakes.  How else are we going learn in life?  But make sure the mistakes you make are ones which can be reversed.   Otherwise there will be no more life to learn from." 
19th February, 2011

"Love is the most precious gift you can give someone.  It means that you have accepted them as they are.  Give someone your love and watch them blossom into something extraordinary.  It is not a gift given partially.  When you love someone, love them with your whole heart.  
But love does not equal trust. 
Trust is not a gift.  It is a reward."
4 March, 2011

"Every person you are scared to talk to is an opportunity missed to have gained a friend.  Every new thing you are scared of doing is an experience missed to have lived life."
13th March, 2011

"Because being alone can be different.  And being different can be scary."

16th March, 2011

"If you want to fly, you will spend more time on the ground than you will in the air.  For every minute of success, there are 1000 hours of pain and determination behind it. "
30th March, 2011

"It's not about what you're doing.  It's about who you're with."

15th April, 2011

"Being born there doesn't mean you'll fit in there. It doesn't mean you have to live there.  God didn't create a world so we could stay where we were born."

22nd May, 2011

"Don't focus on what other people can do better than you.  Focus on what you have already and how you can turn it into something which people envy you for."

23rd May, 2011
"Say sorry once.  If you say it twice, it means you were not sincere the first time you said it."

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