"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." ~ 2 Timothy 1:7

March 19, 2011


It's the weekend!! This week has been pretty quiet for me, compared to the first and second week.  It still surprises me when I realise I've only been in Seoul for three weeks - that's not even one month!   During the first few days, it felt like a rush to see and do everything I needed and had wanted to for a long time e.g. food, shopping, sight-seeing.  But things have fallen into a comfortable pattern now.  I sleep, I eat, I go to classes, I shop, I eat, I sleep.  It's becoming a little bit more home-y, I guess.

Interesting things that happened this week:

1. Yesterday I went to the Immigration Office with Jooyoung (my buddy) to put in my registration form for my alien registration card.  The application process took less than an hour, which I didn't expect at all because they had told us it could take up three hours if we didn't register online (which we didn't because it didn't work :( ). On the way back to the subway station, Jooyoung and I had some pretty interesting and funny conversations about our families and how we grew up.  When I first met her I felt like we had a lot in common, but after getting to know her I realise we're almost the same.  I'm glad God gave her to me as my buddy.

2.  On Wednesday night, I went to have a look at the university's dance club - Dance P.O.zz.  Words fail me when I try to describe what I feel like when I see other people dance, so I'm not even going to try.  I'll just say that they were amazing and I wish I could be like them.

3.  Today I walked into a shop called Jamilro and got a shock when I realised they had a website and they actually did photo shoots inside the shop.  The backdrop of the pictures in their website? I SAW IT IN PERSON.  It's very exciting stuff you know.  I've seen a lot of Korean online shopping sites so to see the place where they actually took the photos is pretty cool.  Although the stairs in the pictures where the models are posing are so scary.  진짜 장난 아냐.  I also chatted with the owner of the shop - in Korean - and it turns out her daughter is going to Australia! Well, that's what I think she said.  When I say 'chatted', I really mean that she was speaking proper and complete sentences and I replied with two or three words.  But I'm still happy that I understood most of what she was saying, even if I couldn't really say anything to her.

4.  This one is about my friend, Sanna, who is an exchange student from Finland.  A few days ago, she went to get a haircut and colour from one of the hairdressers around our campus area.  She had gone out for a very, very long time and we were wondering why she was taking so long.  When she finally came back, her hair cut was really nice, but the colour looked a little off - in the light, it looked a little gray blue (her hair is blonde).  She told us that the first time the hairdresser dyed her hair, the end colour was white-blonde with yellowy-orangey tips on the end.  Sanna wasn't pleased and said "Noo! Can we change it please?!"  So the hairdresser said OK and proceeded then to change Sanna's hair into a lovely light BLUE.  Sanna: "Nooo!!" At that moment both Sanna and the hairdresser were completely horrified.  Because you see, it was the hairdresser's first time to dye blonde hair.  In the end she was able to change the colour back to blonde-ish, but you can still see shades of blue when her hair is in the light.

And that's pretty much all the 'big' things I've done.  Little things include walking the mountain behind the university every second morning, missing breakfast because it finishes at 8:30 am (so early :( ) and watching Dream High whenever I am free, which is a lot of the time actually.

P.S The photos are pretty random - some are from Hongdae, some are ones taken inside our student union hall and the others are just what I see everyday around the campus.

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