"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." ~ 2 Timothy 1:7

February 22, 2011


It's kind of crazy to think that I'm going to be leaving in three days.  People have been saying things like "good luck with everything!" and "Have a great time!" and everything, but why has it still not sunk in that I am going to Korea?! My mum has been telling me to clean up my room because she'll be using it once I leave, but I haven't even started.  I actually think it's gotten messier ever since I started packing.

I received an email today from CAU which contained both good news and bad news.  The bad news was that the Korean government has changed it's policies on foreigners purchasing health insurance in Korea, which means I have to buy travel insurance here.  I freaked out a bit.  I'm leaving in THREE DAYS (yes, now it's starting to sink in) and they only tell me today that I need to buy health insurance here.  I was planning to buy it over there because it's cheaper, but luckily my parents and I found a good deal with an insurance company we've used before so it's all okay.  I have to admit, I know Koreans are quite known for their abrupt changes and general tardiness but I've never experienced first hand so this was pretty shocking.

Good news is that I now know who my room mate is!!! Well, I know what her Hangul-ised name is.  I'm guessing she's French by the sounds of her romanized name, but I can't be too sure.  Either way, I know she's definitely not Korean.  To be honest I had hoped that I could be housed with a Korean room mate, just so I could practise Korean with them.  But having someone from another country is just as cool.  It's definitely going to be strange living with a total stranger, but that's why they're called strangers right?  Yes, exactly so.

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