"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." ~ 2 Timothy 1:7

February 13, 2011


I bought my first app from the iTunes store last night and it is ....a Korean-English dictionary! I've been trying to find a Korean-English dictionary for ages, even before I found out that I would be going on exchange to Korea.  I took an eight-week Korean course at the WEA centre a few years ago when I first started becoming interested in k-dramas and kpop but it didn't really help me with too much since I had already learnt the Hangul alphabet by myself online beforehand.  So now I have a dictionary on my iPod to take with me wherever I go instead of carrying a book around.  It's good because I am guaranteed to take my iPod around everywhere I go since it's my source of entertainment, whereas it is pretty likely that I will forget a book.  

This is what the app looks like:


When I was playing around with it this morning, I realised that I had previously installed the Korean language writing ....thing (....) on my iPod and could actually type using Hangul letters.  Initially I was kind of worried about what I'd do if I encountered words in Korean and I didn't have a way of finding out what they meant, but problemo solvedo :)

I still haven't started packing yet, but I promised my friend that I would start this Wednesday and he told me was going to check up on me so I have to do it.  To be honest I don't really know how much and what I'm going to take.  My dad left for Hong Kong this evening and he had almost nothing to take with him despite going away for a week.  Five months and one week is a big difference, I know, but there isn't anything here that they don't have over there....I think.  아....몰라!

The university is supposed to set me up with a buddy who will pick me up from the airport and show me how to take care of things, but they haven't emailed me anything.  I sent them an email last night so I guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow to see if they reply.  


  1. ahh i hope the app's worth the money... cos the google translate app is available for free as well =O

  2. really!? but i don't really trust google translate that much anymore. i've seen some pretty bad translations...
